Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Maternity Leave-Day 1

The magical day is here...the day when the hubs had to get up and go to work and I didn't. I was so excited...and then the day started. 

My plan was to take Velma to the vet for her annual exam/vaccinations bright and early at 7:30, then or home and finish grading 47 3-5 page research papers. From there I had a few errands I wanted to run and then relax around the house. Velma and I got up, got ready to go, and the car wouldn't start. Mt only that, but my key wouldn't come out. Nick tried to jump it to no avail, and while we got the key out, the ignition switch wouldn't turn to the off position. Joy. 

Vet appointment cancelled. I came on in and got started on grading the papers, hoping to get on through them. 3 hours later, I was done, stir crazy and lacked motivation to do anything else. And while I did get a few things done, I sent the day being bored, yet unmotivated. And every time I thought, "I should go do X," I'd remember I was trapped at home. And every twinge made me wonder if labor was in sight. (In case you were wondering,it wasn't.)

It was so frustrating! After being so slammed for the last month, and nothing I had to do, along with no where to go, it was bizarre to do nothing and watch "Will and Grace" reruns. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. The agenda: Vet try #2, bake cookies, and teach at the studio. That should make the day go by faster. But...I'm willing to rearrange my plans if Nick, Jr, wants to come early!

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